Friday, March 30, 2012

31 Days and Counting

Can you believe it? I have 31 days left until my "Year of Thrift" is complete!  I can ALMOST taste it!  I am so glad that I did it and I know that we have saved SOOOOOOOOOOO much money, but I am REALLY excited to be done. 

How nice will it be not to hand-make birthday presents anymore? For the receiver, as much as me. ;) How nice will it be to not take a whole day hunting for something that I couldn't even find, so my whole day was a waste?   How nice will it be to have at least one nice NEW pair of shoes, or pants, or shirt, or well...anything.

Am I just going to go back to buying $30 jeans for my 1 year old then? NO. NO.  And NO!!

I have LOVED learning what I have and being able to re-use things.  It's so awesome, and now I know I can do it if I have to. I'll just be doing it because it's fun and I 100% WANT to.  Not just because my project is holding me to it. 

I'm still going to be a Yard Sale Queen, and a Thrift Store Junky, and it's going to be so much fun, but I will start shopping at Target again (oh TARGET!! ).  :) I will 'splurge' every once in a while and spend a whole $20 on a shirt! GASP! I know right?  I'm getting a little crazy here! Even as I type this my heart is starting to race just thinking about it! Eeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Oh, the JOYS!

In CELEBRATION of my last month I am going to, and I say this with hesitation because I know my track record, have a NEW blog post everyday through-out April. :)  

That is one regret that I do have, I didn't blog even half as much as I wished I would have.  I could've shared SO many more things with you all. Oh, it makes me sad, but hey, this will help make up for it right?

So.... is to one more month of Second-Hand buys!


  1. So proud of you, Heather!!! I really don't know if I could have done it....and I would have blogged about it even less, so in my book you are amazing. I would love to join you on thrift store and yard sale outings this spring/summer so call me please. :) And for the record, all of your handmade birthday gifts were adored and loved the most BECAUSE they were made with blood, sweat, tears and a lot of love. Thanks for inspiring us!

  2. Thanks for the support Ladies! Kaisa you are welcome to come with me anytime. It is so much fun!!
