Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Buyer Beware!

When I found this booster seat this last weekend I was psyched! I have been looking for one for a couple months now.  Miss J had requested a pink, girl seat...this fit the description.  It looked in pretty good condition especially the back of it.  The bottom was slightly dirty but I thought some Oxy Clean could do the trick on it.  Then they told be their asking price, $5...SOLD!  She showed me how to put it together and take it apart, I bought it and loaded it in my car.  Oh, HAPPY DAY!  Or so I thought.  Stopped at another Yard Sale and as I was loading my finds in the trunk when I smelt...SWAMP.  What the!  I poked around inside to find the cause of that AWFUL smell and found the bottom pad (or cover) sopping wet with swampy water! The bottom part of the seat had been laying sideways on top of it. Oh, my disgusting.  I did some more investigating and realized that the two cup holders had been full of water and had a ring of green moss around them.  WHY DID I NOT CHECK THAT OUT?  I am usually really good about giving things a thorough once-over. I guess I was blinded by the find on this one. When I got it home I stripped the pads off took the top and bottom apart and sprayed them down with a hose.  That was NOT doing the job good enough for me so I took them in the house and threw them in the tub so I could soak and scrub them.  When I put the bottom base in and started feeling the tub with water all this junk started coming out of it...including a spider, some rocks, 2 quaters (hey I made some $ back!  But it wasn't $5 worth!), and wood chips.  I was so GROSSED OUT!!!!  More then once I thought about just dumping it in the garbage (I'm still kinda wondering why I didn't). Instead, I soaked it three times and one more time for a two hour stretch in bleach.  FINALLY gunk stopped coming out of it.  FINALLY it looked usable.  I washed the pads 3 times and they look pretty good although there are still a few stains I couldn't get out of the bottom pad.  All in all though it looks great.

I'm sure you all know the morale of the story... 
(yes I am shouting this).


  1. I can't believe someone would even consider selling something that disgusting! Yuck!

  2. They really didn't look bad from the outside. The bottom pad wasn't even that bad either until the swamp water got all over it. I hope they didn't know how truly disgusting it was.

  3. EEWWW! I don't know if I could have done that! Props to you girl! I keep seeing images of what my kids have done in their car seats and I got to give it to you for being willing to try this one out! So glad you got it cleaned up! Thanks for the advice, I will make sure to check twice:)
