Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So I've been thinking and discussing with the Handy Husband (HH) what to do about buying paint when my YEAR OF THRIFT starts.  I'm not sure if I could even find 2nd hand paint and the HH said NO WAY on buying it from Yard Sales.  Which makes sense because if we are going to go to all the work to fix up these second-hand items then we don't want to put 'crappy' paint on them and  just have to re-do it.  So what is "kosher"?  Can I buy paint from the store?  What about fabric glue or thread to fix clothing and such?   What are your thoughts?  Should we have a vote?  Go to my side bar and cast your vote there.  Vote YES if you think I should be able to buy new things if only doing it to 'fix-up' a second-hand buy.  Vote NO if  you think I should have to buy all those things second-hand.


  1. Of course you should be able to buy paint and other supplies new since they are helping you be thrifty. Buying a can of paint to refinish a piece of furniture is still thrifty because your still saving so much money... New furniture is so expensive (ugh).

  2. such a difficult decision...part of the reason i am not very crafty. those things can get pretty expensive...but, you ARE spending money on the items initially; and the point seems to be to get great deals and recycle. So you're still getting a bargain even with fixing them up. maybe set a maximum budget for "fixers", and then try to buy it on sale?

  3. I agree with HH. You should buy good paint to fix stuff up. You'll still have an amazing bargain!

  4. I say yes! From my experience trying to be thrifty, I was able to sell all of my old family room furniture, buy "new to me" pieces, plus paint and new hardware, and I still came out spending less than what I sold my old furniture for! I think buying in bulk can be thrifty too, so if you know you are going to need to prime all of the new fun pieces you find, you might be able to get a bigger can of primer for a better price then just buying a little one, and use it for all of your projects. Also, you can always check the returned or the messed up paint sections of your hardware store. I've been able to find some fun colors for cheap by doing that!

    One other suggestion is to purge some of the items you have at home that you don't need by either selling them at a garage sale yourself, or on KSL, then use that money to buy paint other things for your refinishing! I hope some of this is helpful :)

  5. I vote yes. I think you need to be able to do the fix-ups of the second hand items.

  6. Thanks for all the great info guys! I can't wait to get me some paint and get going on all my projects! So EXCITED!

  7. Brad talked to the head carpenter at the Provo Temple several yrs ago. He said he NEVER uses old paint, ie paint that is more than six months old. He said it doesn't stick as well. Does that help at all?

  8. Thanks Missy! And since my house is like a temple I'm going with that rule. ;)

  9. So about a month ago we were at Home Depot buying paint and Home Depot had paint they were giving away for free because it was used for something in the store or whoever was buying didn't like the color and so forth. We walked out with a lot of paint not sure what to do with it. So you could ask Home Depot about that and they are brand new because you can't return paint. But I still say YES you should be able to buy paint and such. Just wanted to tell you that tip.
