Monday, April 16, 2012

YARD SALES!!! Part 1

It wasn't the greatest of weather this weekend, but I was bound and determined to hit up some Yard Sales if there were Yard Sales to be had.  I lucked out and was able to go to 5!  Yippee!  Thanks for braving the wet, and cold weather YARD SELLERS!

 My two Yard Sale Companions. :) 
Ash is SUPER excited that I'm taking pictures of her so early in the morning.

 Ashley getting her Yard Sale on!  She struck gold at this place.  All clothes .25! 
Again, she is super HAPPY I'm taking pictures of her. :)

 Here is a pic. of just part of her pile of goods.  
The shorts on the top are actually some I bought, but the rest is hers.  GO ASH!

Ashley's Goods:

 These pants are to die for and still had the tag on! .25!

She paid $9 for all of this stuff! $9!  Can you believe it?

That's: 6 Pairs of shoes
2 kid shorts/pants
13 shirts
2 swimsuits
1  P.J.
1 cookbook
2 plastic squeeze bottles

ALL FOR $9! 

I'll post about the great things I got tomorrow.  Yard Sales!!! Part 2 :)

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